For example my actor is male, as male characters are portrayed as stronger in both mind and body.
In films such as:
Man on a Ledge.
All of the main characters are male.
High shot of Brian laying in field. (5 seconds) |
Close up on field , showing Brian's left eye and grass in background. Screen turns black and white, cuts to medium shot and slowly zooms out as Brian pops up in top right corner. (10 seconds) |
Continuing zooming out to long shot, screens back to colour. Camera moves round in a semi circle to show Brian (2) laying on field. (10 seconds) |
Camera continues cycling round the field in semi circle until Brian (2) is laying in almost the exact position as Brian (1) in previous shot. (5 seconds) |
Close up of Brian's (2) right eye, with grass in background. Screen goes black and white, cuts to medium-long shot and slowly zooms out to long shot. Brian pops up in top left corner. (10 seconds) |
Extreme long shot of guys laying on grass, camera turns back to colour. Speech: "Dude, where is everyone?" (5 seconds) |
High shot of both Brian's laying on field. Speech: (In reply to previous speech) "Everyone is gone..". (5 seconds) |
Medium shot as the guys get up, look around and start walking. (10 seconds) |
Panning long shot of field as guys walk across it. Ambient/ Spooky music playing in background. (5 seconds) |
Medium low shot from street looking onto the edge of field. Showing both Brian's leg's as they walk out onto street. (5 seconds) |
Long shot across roof of car as guys walk over to it. Speech: "Can you drive?" (5 seconds) |
Medium shot from behind the guys with car in background. Cuts to close up of the left side of the back of Brian's (2) head as he replies: "No, can you..?" (10 seconds) |
Close up of Brian's (1) mouth and top of his body. Speech: "No, I guess we're walking then..." (5 seconds) |
Extreme long shot of street, in front of the guys. The guys walk towards the camera. Ambient music gets louder. (5 seconds) |
Close up of bag, showing the inside of it empty. (5 seconds) |
Long shot of street and Brian (1) holding bag. Speech: "You got that drink?" (5 seconds) |
Close up tracking on a 360 circle around Brian's (1) head. (10 seconds) |
Camera stops tracking on close up on left side of Brian's (1) face. Speech: "Hey, where did you go?" (5 seconds) |
Medium shot looking out of bushes towards Brian (1) Sound of heart beat fades in and gradually gets louder. Speech: "This isn't funny!" (5 seconds) |
Close up of feet as both guys stop running. Heart beat stops. (5 seconds) |
Speech: "Hey man, I need to tell you something.. But you may want to sit down.." Medium shot panning to a bench, as the guys walk over to it. (10 seconds) |
Over the shoulder shot of over Brian (1) looking at Brian (2). Speech: Brian (1) "What.. What the hell does that mean?" (5 seconds) |
Fast moving shot follows Brian as he runs to a building, and up the stairs. Heartbeat getting louder. (30 seconds) |
Long shot of door on roof of the building. Brian burst's out of the doors and runs towards the edge. Camera pans from door to the edge to show Brian up against the edge. (10 seconds) |