The first one is:
The teaser poster.
A teaser poster is very basic in terms of design and idea, but when launched it can be extremely powerful in gaining an excited audience. It may only decide to show the main character in some sort of action, and the name of the film, however it wont give away any dates, or where it will be distributed.
It's solely for getting the audience before the film has been launched.
The second is:
The theatrical poster.
A theatrical poster is more information related than a teaser poster, so it will tell the audience who the director's/ producer's are, more actor and actress names. It will also most likely show where it's going to be distributed. This is so people know when and where to go, and can base the idea of if they will enjoy it by the actors, or directors.
The third one is:
The character poster.
A character poster shows only one thing. One or two characters. It will have the main good, or the main evil character in most cases, and show them standing upright and strong, or in the darkness to represent different elements of the character. A character poster is used to promote individual aspects of the film, instead of the whole thing.